+ Nourish us
with Karen Leo
A feeding I speech I craniosacral therapy studio
Norwood ~ Victor Harbor ~ Hove
South Australia
How can we help?
Craniosacral therapy
Gentle & holistic treatment to regulate your body and mind.
Speech Pathology
Feeding, swallowing, speech and language. From infants to adults.
Are you plan or self managed? We can help.
Speech pathology services: $193.99 (60mins)
Speech pathology services: $97.00
CranioSacral therapy & OMT : $185.00 (60mins)
CranioSacral therapy & OMT : $95.00 (30mins)
Prices are before any applicable rebates.
All services are available from infant to adult.
Speech pathology service:
Feeding therapy
Oro facial myofunctional therapy (OMT)
Oral restriction assessment & therapy (tongue tie, lip tie & buccal tie)
Language therapy
CranioSacral therapy
Hove, Norwood and Victor habor.
You can book online here and choose your preferred location.
Mob: 0433488819
(Please send a SMS for quick reply)